5 Most Common Types of Childhood Allergies and Their Treatment

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Allergies are one of the most common diseases experienced by children from infancy to adolescence.

When allergies flare up, various disturbing symptoms will be felt by the baby and make it uncomfortable, making it difficult to sleep, play, and study well at school.

To be able to overcome the allergies that occur, parents must first recognize the types.

Common types of allergies in children

There are many things that can trigger allergies in children. Some common types of allergies include:


1. Eczema (ezcema)

One allergy that many children experience is eczema or ezcema. This is a type of skin allergy that affects at least 10% of children worldwide.

It is not yet known what triggers eczema. But this condition is commonly experienced by children who have other allergies such as asthma, food allergies, dust allergies, or have a family history of allergies.

Usually, these allergies will flare up if there are triggers such as dry air, sweat, rough fabrics or clothing, harsh soaps and detergents, and certain foods.

Eczema is characterized by skin that is often dry, itchy, scaly and easily irritated. In addition, reddish rashes, scratching and recurrent skin infections due to scratching can also occur.

In infants, eczema may appear as a rash on the face or head, but it can actually appear on any area of the body, including the cheeks, folds of the arms and legs, back, back of the neck, chest or abdomen.


2. Cow's milk

Cow's milk is one of the most common allergens in children. Cow's milk allergy reactions usually appear shortly after the child consumes milk or foods containing milk.

Milk allergy symptoms are not much different from general allergy symptoms, such as itchy skin and digestive problems.


3. Dust

Children who are allergic to dust will usually have a runny nose, itching, and watery eyes if they are in a dirty place. Allergies can also flare up or worsen when someone is cleaning such as sweeping, mopping, or vacuuming.

This is because the cleaning process can cause dust to fly and stick or be inhaled by the child.


4. Medicines

Drug allergy is an allergic reaction to certain drugs such as antibiotics, vaccines, or even herbal supplements. Children can experience an allergic reaction when the body thinks the drug consumed is a harmful substance, so the immune system produces chemicals to attack the drug. Children can experience skin reactions to serious allergic reactions that affect many body systems and can be life-threatening.


5. Pet hair

Having a furry pet can also trigger allergy symptoms in children. The dead skin cells, saliva, urine, and dander of these animals usually cause allergies.

If your child often sneezes and wheezes after playing or handling pets, you should do an allergy test to make sure.

How to determine the type of allergy in children

Often parents are confused about the cause of their child's allergy symptoms. If so, then further examination by a doctor is needed.

To determine the type of allergy, the doctor can perform several tests, such as:

  • Skin tests

The most common allergy test to measure the presence or absence of IgE antibodies to certain allergens.


To perform a skin test, a small amount of diluted allergen will be placed on an area of skin that has been pricked or scratched.


The allergen can also be injected under the skin (intradermal). If the child has an allergy, then over a period of time, an allergic reaction will appear in the form of small bumps like mosquito bites.

  • Blood test

Blood tests are done to measure IgE antibodies to certain allergens in the blood. This is an option when skin tests cannot be done, for example in people with certain skin conditions or have had a recent severe allergic reaction.

  • Oral allergen exposure test

This pediatric allergy test is performed by giving the patient a small amount of the allergen by mouth or by inhalation.



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