8 Measles Taboos for Children to Avoid


8 Measles Taboos for Children to Avoid


Measles is a viral infection of the highly contagious paramyxovirus family that causes a skin rash all over the body and flu-like symptoms. The rash is a common symptom that can last up to 7 days and appears within 14 days of exposure to the virus. It usually develops on the head and slowly spreads to other parts of the body. Other symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, sore throat and white spots in the mouth.


When a child has measles, there are several things that must be avoided so that it does not get worse and infect others. The following are the taboos for measles in children:


1. Do not leave the house


Measles spreads quickly so children should stay at home so as not to spread the virus. If the child is already in school, it is better if the child is excused from school for a few days.


Children who have measles are contagious about a day before they start to feel unwell. This is about 4 days before the rash appears. They should stay away from all unvaccinated people for at least 4 days after the rash first appears.


Hence by not going out, it will limit direct contact with other people.


It is also a good idea for children affected by measles to stay in a closed, dark room to reduce sensitivity to light and eye discomfort which is often a symptom.


2. Not sneezing carelessly


The next taboo is sneezing carelessly. Measles is transmitted through droplets when an infected person sneezes or coughs because at that time the liquid that carries the virus will come out and spread in the air. Moreover, the measles virus can survive for 2 hours in the air.


Children with measles should be taught not to sneeze carelessly. Make it a habit to sneeze into your elbow.


3. Not washing hands


Hand washing should be done frequently to maintain hygiene. For example, after sneezing, coughing or touching surrounding objects. How to wash your hands is by using running water and soap for 20 seconds so that bacteria and viruses die.


4. Do not use personal items together


Viruses can be transmitted from infected items. So you should not use the same personal items, such as plates, spoons, drinking bottles or cups, towels, and toothbrushes.


Instruct your children not to share their personal belongings at school to avoid measles transmission.


5. Lack of drinking


Do not let children with measles become dehydrated due to lack of fluids. Make sure they drink enough water. You can also add fruit juice or your child's favorite milk.


6. Not consuming caffeine


Although it is recommended to drink plenty of water, you should avoid caffeine-containing drinks such as coffee and tea. Also avoid soft drinks with high sugar content. This will increase the complications of measles, making it worse.


7. Avoid fried foods


Fried foods may taste more delicious but they are not good for measles sufferers, not just children but adults too.


Oily and processed foods can cause digestive complications and worsen the measles infection.

Measles Myths

Most people will question whether it is okay to bathe and be exposed to the wind during measles. There are even myths that are mostly believed, such as children should not bathe when they have measles.


Actually, people with measles can bathe but use warm water. Or if not, they can be wiped using a clean cloth and warm water. The goal is that the discomfort when fever can subside.


Meanwhile, can people with measles, including children, be exposed to the wind in the sense of using air conditioning or fans. It has been explained above that the spread of the virus through the air even lasts for 2 hours in the air so that the potential for transmission if exposed to the wind is higher. So it should not be exposed to the wind so that the virus-containing liquid or droplets that come out of the body do not spread to others.


When to see a doctor?


If your child has measles and new symptoms appear or existing symptoms worsen, consult a doctor immediately. Conditions such as:

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • High fever.
  • Neck stiffness.
  • Severe sleepiness.
  • Ear pain.
  • Diarrhea.

Pediatric Endocrinology Services

  • Growth disorders.
  • Thyroid disorders.
  • Child diabetes.
  • Developmental disorders of the reproductive system.
  • Child obesity.
  • Various syndromes.

Pediatric Allergy Immunology Service

  • Drug allergy.
  • Dust allergy.
  • Atopic eczema.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Immunodeficiency diseases.
  • Autoimmune diseases.


Thank you reading this article. Have a nice day.


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