Treatment for Pinched Nerves to Prevent Recurrence

Source Image : Pintrest


To treat a pinched nerve you need the help of a doctor and therapist. However, there are independent nerve therapies that you can do to reduce mild symptoms.

Independent nerve therapy is useful to relieve the pain, pain, tingling and numbness suffered. Even the pain can heal quickly after applying the correct healing therapy.

What does independent nerve therapy look like? Let's see the explanation in the article below.

Pinched Nerve Therapy

Treatment of pinched nerves varies, according to the severity and cause. Likewise, how long the healing process will take is different for each person. 


If the pinched nerve is still with mild symptoms, self-treatment at home is quite effective. The following is a nerve nerve therapy that can be done:


1. Get enough rest

It seems very trivial but adequate rest will greatly help relieve the symptoms of a pinched nerve. Even the most recommended treatment for a pinched nerve is rest for the affected body part. The doctor will tell you to stop any activity that causes or exacerbates pressure on the nerve.

The simplest form of rest is sleep. Because with sleep the body will carry out a repair process in all parts of the body including the nerves. Sleep also prevents the body from overusing the nerves which will worsen your condition. Make sure you find the most comfortable position to rest and sleep.


2. Hot or cold compress

A hot compress will relax the tense muscles around the pinched nerve. The heat will also increase blood flow which can help the healing process. Hot compresses can be done with a heating pad.

In addition to hot compresses, cold compresses will also reduce swelling and inflammation. The combination of hot and cold compresses can increase blood circulation to the area affected by the pinched nerve so that it can relieve pain.

The way to do this compress is to place ice wrapped in a clean towel or cloth on the part of the body affected by the pinched nerve for 15 minutes and do it three times a day. While hot compresses are done at different times and longer, can be up to one hour and do three times a day.


3. Wearing splints

Splints are tools to support certain parts of the body to minimize the surrounding muscles from shifting or moving. This will help the pinched nerve heal faster.


4. Improve posture

One of the causes of a pinched nerve is incorrect posture, for example sitting or standing in the wrong posture for a long time. Such a posture will put pressure on certain parts of the body which can damage the spine and muscles, causing a pinched nerve.

An easy way to reduce pressure on the nerves is to use pillows, adjustable chairs or neck rests. You can also choose a work area that is ergonomic or adjusts to your posture because chairs and tables are easy to adjust in height.


5. Yoga and stretching exercises

Doing stretching movements gently and very slowly can help strengthen the core and buttocks muscles and keep the hamstrings loose. Yoga is one exercise that can be an option.


Yoga will also help relieve tension and pressure in the area affected by the pinched nerve.


6. Elevate your legs


A simple way that seems crumbly is to elevate the position of the feet. However, by elevating the legs for people affected by a pinched nerve in the back area will feel relief because it will directly relieve pressure from the spine.


The trick is to put a pillow under the knee so that the legs feel at a 45 degree angle.


7. Pain relievers


You can buy over-the-counter pain relievers without a doctor's prescription. They are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen sodium. But to be safer, you are better off consulting a doctor to know the correct dosage.


8. Massage or physical therapy


Massage can reduce pain and physical stress. A gentle massage around the area of the pinched nerve will relieve tension, while a full-body massage can relax the muscles.


This massage is a form of physical therapy or physiotherapy. Because physical therapy can also be combined with exercise and gentle stretching to relieve your pinched nerve symptoms.


Physiotherapy is a great choice for an effective and non-invasive treatment that can relieve pain and other symptoms of a pinched nerve. This treatment is also considered the safest and can be done by patients of all ages.


Interestingly, the therapist can also recommend modifications to activities that aggravate the nerve. Because it is the therapist who will create a treatment plan that is tailored to the cause and how to reduce the symptoms felt.


If physical therapy and medications including corticosteroid injections to relieve the symptoms of the pinched nerve are not optimal, even worse. Surgery or surgery becomes the last resort.


But there is no need to worry because now there is advanced technology that can perform Minimal Invasive Spine Surgery (minimally invasive surgery). This is an operation that does not require large incisions and does not injure much tissue around the spine.


This minimally invasive surgery is different from open spine surgery, this surgery can be faster, safer, and requires less recovery time.


Thank you reading this article. Have a nice day.

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