Scoliosis Treatment Options to Reposition the Spine

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Scoliosis is a spinal disorder in which the spine is curved to one side. Scoliosis can cause the spine to look like the letter “C” or “S”. It is often seen in children and adolescents, but can also occur in adults.

The good news is that these conditions are generally mild and do not require scoliosis treatment. But in some cases, the degree of curvature of the spine can be severe enough to alter a person's posture. If this is the case, surgery is needed to correct it for a better quality of life.

No need to worry if you or someone close to you is experiencing this, because now there are several powerful scoliosis treatments that you can try. What are they? Check out the explanation.

Who needs scoliosis treatment ?

Everyone with this condition can get therapy. But before the doctor chooses the right scoliosis treatment method for the patient, there are usually several things that the doctor will consider, namely:

  • Gender: women are more prone to scoliosis compared to men. Therefore, the possibility of scoliosis getting worse is also greater for women than for men.
  • Severity of the spinal curve: scoliosis treatment also depends on the shape of the curve. “S” shape scoliosis is usually known as idiopathic scoliosis (often seen in teenagers) while “C” shape is known as neuromuscular scoliosis. Both can require different treatments.
  • The position of the bony arch: a bony arch in the center usually requires immediate treatment compared to a bony arch at the top or bottom.
  • Level of bone maturity: the risk of scoliosis in atrophied bones tends to be less than in bones that are still developing (such as in adolescents). For bones that are still developing, doctors may use a brace or corset.

Types of scoliosis treatment

Based on these observations, doctors can perform scoliosis therapy as follows:

1. Exercise

For mild cases, doctors can suggest exercise as a scoliosis therapy. There are various movements that may be suggested by the doctor, the goal is to straighten the spine, ribs, and shoulders to achieve a certain posture.

A 2016 study suggests that exercise can help treat scoliosis. However, researchers still need further research to find out which exercise movements are most effective in helping patients with scoliosis.

2. Using a brace

The brace treatment method is suitable for those whose bones are still growing. According to the American Association of Neurological Surgeons, a person with growing bones and a curve of 25 to 40 degrees requires scoliosis treatment with this method.

Although the brace does not help straighten the spine it can prevent the curve from getting worse. The use of the brace may last until the bone growth stops.

Your doctor will recommend using the brace for 16 - 23 hours a day. The longer the hours of use, the more effective this method is.

3. Surgery

For severe cases of scoliosis, the doctor may recommend spinal surgery. In this operation the doctor will use several tools such as metal pens, hooks, wires, and nuts to make the spine straight. Bone grafting can also be used during surgery.

Given that spinal surgery is a high-risk operation, doctors will only do it if the benefits far outweigh the risks.



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