Reviewing Hip and Knee Injuries, What to Watch Out For ?

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For most of a person's life, they must spend a lot of time walking, which is a normal daily activity of the average person on the move. When walking almost all joints and bones will move, but there are 2 joints that play a very important role, namely the knee and pelvis, or Hip and Knee.

Hip and Knee is a medical term used in diagnosing the health of the knee and hip bones. Our body uses the bones and joints in the knee and pelvis when walking, running, and even when sitting and resting. Therefore, disorders that occur in the Hip and Knee such as injuries or degenerative diseases will greatly affect a person's life.

So what happens when the joints and bones in a person's Hip and Knee are disturbed? And what can be done to handle it?

What Causes Hip and Knee Injuries ?

Pain in the Hip and Knee often occurs in elderly people, but it also does not rule out being able to attack even when in prime age. Broadly speaking, there are 2 factors that can cause injuries to the Hip and Knee, namely:

  • Traumatic factors, which are factors caused by accidents such as fractures, torn tendons, or dislocations.
  • Chronic factors, which are factors that arise as a result of certain degenerative disorders such as osteoporosis and osteoarthritis.

In addition, there are also several other disorders that may be the cause of pain in the Hip and Knee such as a pinched nerve in the hip.
What are the Characteristics of Someone with a Hip and Knee Injury?

Someone who has a Hip and Knee injury will experience pain that sometimes cannot be endured, so it requires immediate treatment. There are several characteristics that must be considered when suspecting someone has suffered a Hip and Knee injury or in their knees and pelvis, such as:

  • Severe pain in the knee and pelvis area.
  • Swelling and redness around the injury area
  • Stiffness or difficulty in moving the knee or hip
  • Sound when the joint is moved

Each condition has different symptoms, so further examination by a specialist or health worker is needed before you can get a definite diagnosis.

Dangers of Hip and Knee Injuries

Most Hip and Knee pain conditions are usually treated with home healing methods, but some conditions require immediate treatment with a doctor to prevent worsening of the condition. Knee or hip injuries that are not treated properly can lead to complications and further damage to the injury wound.

It is best to consult a Hip and Knee Specialist if symptoms begin to worsen despite home treatment, such as:

  • The swelling gets bigger and starts to become inflamed.
  • Difficulty enduring the pain of the injury.
  • The leg cannot be moved at all.
  • Starting to experience fever.

These symptoms may appear especially if the cause of the Hip and Knee injury is due to chronic factors or degenerative diseases.

The Role of a Hip and Knee Specialist

Hip and Knee Specialists are doctors in the field of orthopedics who are specialized in treating problems with bones and joints in the knee and pelvis. Orthopedics itself is a field of doctors who study the science of the skeleton or organs that connect the human body such as bones, joints, tendons, and muscles.

A Knee and Pelvis Consultant has specialized expertise in performing various types of actions in dealing with the bones of the knee and pelvis such as Total Knee Replacement and various other types of surgery.



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