8 Easy-to-Do Ways to Maintain Bone Health

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Bones are one of the important parts of the body because of their functions, ranging from protecting the internal organs of the body, helping movement, producing blood cells, to storing minerals. If bone health is compromised, your daily activities and quality of life will also be affected. Therefore, it is very important to maintain bone health.

How to maintain bone health is very easy. And you can even do it every day. Here are some ways to maintain bone health that you can practice.


1. Eat lots of vegetables

A very easy way to maintain bone health is to eat lots of vegetables. Vegetables are the best source of vitamin C, a nutrient needed by the body to stimulate the production of bone-building cells. In addition, some studies suggest that the antioxidant effects of vitamin C can protect bone cells from damage.

Eating vegetables also helps increase bone mass. When bone mass is strong, your bones are less likely to break. Eating vegetables also helps reduce the risk of diseases such as osteopenia (low bone mass) and osteoporosis (brittle bones).


2. Eat foods rich in protein

Almost 50% of human bones are made of protein. Therefore, to maintain its health, bones need protein intake. A study on menopausal women showed that consuming enough protein can reduce the risk of hip fracture. Therefore, make sure to eat protein-rich foods such as eggs, almonds, chicken breast, fish, pumpkin seeds and more.


3. Eat calcium-rich foods every day

Calcium is one of the main minerals present in the bones and has an important role for growth and maintaining bone strength. When a person experiences calcium deficiency, their bones tend to be brittle and break easily. Calcium also plays an important role in regenerating damaged bone cells. That's why in order to maintain bone health you need to get calcium intake every day.

Healthy friends can get calcium intake through foods such as:

  • Soybeans and their preparations (tempeh, tofu, soy milk, edamame).
  • Broccoli.
  • Oranges.
  • Green vegetables.

This way of maintaining health is certainly very easy to do at home.


4. Get enough vitamin D intake

Apart from calcium, vitamin D is also an important nutrient needed by the body to maintain bone health. Consuming enough vitamin D can help bones absorb calcium so that bones are stronger and healthier. You can get this vitamin through sunbathing and also eating foods such as liver, cheese, and also oily fish rich in omega-3 (salmon, sardines, mackerel to anchovies).


5. Consume foods that contain magnesium and zinc

Besides calcium and vitamin D, there are other minerals that are good for bone health, namely magnesium and zinc. Magnesium helps convert vitamin D into a form that increases calcium absorption. While zinc encourages the formation of bone-building cells and prevents excessive bone breakdown. Magnesium can be found in small amounts in most foods, but you can take supplements such as magnesium gluconate, citrate, or carbonate to fulfill your daily intake. Meanwhile, some foods that can be a source of zinc are beef, shrimp, spinach, flax seeds, oysters, and pumpkin seeds.


6. Exercise

Another way to maintain bone health is to exercise. Do exercise regularly: Vigorous exercise and weight training can help build bone mass and maintain bone strength. Aerobic activities such as walking, cycling or swimming are also good for bone health.


7. Maintain ideal body weight

This may not be the first thing you think of when it comes to maintaining bone health. But maintaining a healthy weight can help reduce the risk of excessive pressure on bones and joints. The reason is, when you gain weight, the bones of the legs experience excessive pressure. Over a long period of time, this load can make bones brittle and can break.


8. Check bone health regularly

Often, bone disorders are only felt when the condition is already severe. Regular bone health checks with a bone doctor can help detect bone problems such as osteoporosis early.



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